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Where: Turistarama/Lupe 2, Mauritiussteinweg 102, 50676 Cologne

Doors: Open 30 minutes before each program.  No guaranteed entrance once the programme has started.


Screening Tickets:

10 € per programme // festival pass 26 € – With the festival pass you can get a free ticket for every screening programme at the box office (as long as there are tickets left – so make sure to be there in time).


Special Tickets:

5€ Concert Farah Wind (included in the festival pass)

16 € Drag Party (not included in the festival pass) The Drag Party tickes will be sold on Saturday from 10:30 pm on. Be early to safe your ticket!


Tickets only at the box office. No advance sale. No ticket reservations.

Accessibility: Not barrier-free (staircase to cinema space); language and subtitling details in the programme

Pricing: If you can not afford the ticket at the moment please don’t hesitate to contact us at and we will find a way.